Morrisburg & District Lions Assist Food Bank


Members of The Morrisburg & District Lions Club recently presented the Dundas County Food Bank a donation of $1,000. On hand to make the donation on behalf of the Lions club were Lions Earl Wood and Fred Langlotz. Pictured at the Morrisburg location of the Dundas County Food Bank following the presentation, l-r are Lion Earl Wood, food bank board members Jim Wilson (with his six-year-old daughter Katie),  Alvin Runnalls (board chair) and Brenda Millard (past chair), Lion Fred Langlotz and Dave King (food bank treasurer). Historically, the summer months are the time when the food bank sees its donations decrease mainly because people are busy and often away from the community for holidays. With visits to the food bank up about 10 per cent over last year and donations down, the Lions Club’s generosity was greatly appreciated. The food bank can always use cash donations for the purchase of the necessary perishable foodstuffs. The Food Bank is also currently in need of juices, cereals, canned meats and fish, canned fruits and vegetables, soups, dry pasta, canned pasta and pasta sauce, children’s snack items and personal toiletries. With the school year just around the corner, school supplies would also be welcomed.                      Photo contributed


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