Local food bank usage is up, needs increase over summer


Just as some wells are beginning to dry up with the heat of summer, so are the stores of available items at the local food bank.

Statistics from January to June of 2012 show that visits to the Dundas County Food Bank are up by 10 percent over last year.

According to food bank administrator Donna Quesnel, there were ‘just over’ 900 visits in that time compared to 839 in the same time frame for 2011. Forty-five percent of recipients are children.

In addition, there have been 40 new families visiting the food bank this year.

The Dundas County Food Bank, with locations in Morrisburg and Winchester, is currently in need of the following items:

• Juices

• Cereals

• Canned meats and fish

• Canned fruits and vegetables

• Soups

• Dry pasta

• Canned pasta and pasta sauce

• Children’s snacks – raisins, real fruit gummies, Rice Krispies, cheese and crackers

• Personal toiletries

• School supplies

There are a variety of locations for depositing donations, including the food banks themselves. 

Donations are accepted at several churches in both North and South Dundas as well as at Riley’s ValuMart in Morrisburg and Mike Dean’s in Winchester.

The two locations of the Dundas County Food Bank are: 17 Second Street in Morrisburg and 497 May Street in Winchester.

The food banks are open Mondays from 10 a.m. until noon, Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m.

In addition to regular donations, there is an upcoming fundraiser for the Dundas County Food Bank for those interested in walking or running for charity. 

This year’s Winchester Dairyfest will include a run/walk for charity called the Dairy Dash, proceeds from which will go to the Dundas County Food Bank.

The Dairy Dash will take place on August 11 at the Winchester Arena. 

It provides participants with the option of a five or 10 kilometer run or walk beginning at 8:30 a.m. or a Holstein Scamper, which is a two kilometer run or walk, beginning at 9:30 a.m.

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