“Don’t knock the weather, nine-tenths of the people couldn’t start a conversation if it didn’t change once in a while.” – Kin Hubbard
Yes, I really am going to talk about the weather… the heat, the humidity, the lack of any substantial rain, the fire ban… but before I get started, I should confess that I am not a weather expert.
Okay, so, getting down to the nitty-gritty, it’s been hotter than the blazing fires of Hell, hasn’t it? The last few days have felt like a nice little reprieve compared to last Friday and compared to what’s in store for us the rest of this week. I do not like extreme heat… or extreme weather of any kind actually. Unfortunately, my opinions and preferences are of little concern to Mother Nature.
And so, we find ourselves in a very hot, very dry, and very uncomfortable July. I would imagine that for some – like farmers without a sprinkler system – this is more than just an irritating inconvenience… it is a strain on their livelihood. And, yet, Mother Nature is relentless. What will be, will be.
For the average person, the important thing to remember is that this weather can be dangerous in more ways than one. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit has listed several precautions people should take during periods of extreme heat and humidity, like drinking lots of water, wearing sunscreen and sun hats, or staying indoors out of the sun and heat.
Another important tip: do NOT leave your child or pet in a parked car. (Note: you should never leave your child unattended in a car no matter the weather.)
Currently, South Dundas has a fire ban in place. This is for the benefit and safety of everyone, not for your inconvenience.
In any case, it is what it is and we need to adapt. I suppose we could cry over the ‘lemon’ Mother Nature has thrown our way, but I think it might be much more fun – and essentially easier in the long run – if we found a shady spot out of the sun and enjoyed a cool sip of our iced lemonade – you know, the lemonade we made from stomping on that gigantic lemon Mother Nature threw our way? Seriously, smile… it will be snowing soon! -S.C.
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