Canada Day in Iroquois: scenic fun for everyone


On July 1st, Iroquois Point will once again provide the scenic backdrop for a fun and festive Canada Day celebration, thanks to the dedication and hard work of the Iroquois-Matilda Lions Club.

Beginning at 8:30 a.m., a local church group will be serving up a delicious breakfast followed by a community ecumenical church service.

Also in the morning, the South Dundas Soccer Association will be having a special Canada Day Tournament.

According to Lions Club member Stephen Law, the 2012 Iroquois Canada Day celebration will be characteristic of the celebrations of the last three to five years. 

The classic July 1st Iroquois Point festivities will get underway with the opening ceremonies sometime around noon.

Also beginning around noon are the children’s games and air rides.

There will be several games available for children ages 5 and up, said Law, including the popular Loonies for Lions. 

In addition, Tribeck Inflatables will be setting up several inflatable play structures and games.

For antique car lovers, there will be an Antique Car Show. According to Law, “this is the third year for the car show and it is growing.”

The car show will begin at 11 a.m. with prizes being handed out around 4 p.m. Those interested in registering a car for the show can do so from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. 

Also, the Golden Gears Car Club will be taking part in the Antique Car Show.

Once again there will be a variety of musical entertainment throughout the day. Musicians will get underway following the opening ceremonies at noon. 

Law explained that the daytime music will be geared more toward the older crowd, while the music played later in the evening will be geared toward teens and young adults.

The musical line-up for Iroquois’ Canada Day celebration includes the following: Mary Perry, The Howard Family, Ruckus Celtic Music, and the Cory Coons Band.

In addition to games, rides, cars and music, there will be lots of choices for refreshment. 

The Iroquois-Matilda Lions Club will have a food tent with the standard essentials and will  offer their famous Lions Chicken Barbecue from noon until 6 p.m. 

Tickets for the barbecue are available at Mustard’s Variety in Iroquois and will be available on-site on Canada Day.

Strawberry lovers will be happy to hear that a special dessert booth will be set up to provide guests with the option of some fresh strawberry shortcake.

The icing on the Canada Day cake, of course, is the fireworks display, which is expected to take place around 9:45 p.m.

On behalf of the Iroquois Canada Day organizers, Law invites everyone to “come out and enjoy!”

In addition to the Iroquois-Matilda Lions Club, several other groups and organizations joined together to help make the Iroquois Point Canada Day 2012 a reality.

Sponsors include the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, the Township of South Dundas, the Iroquois detachment of the South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services as well as many local businesses and corporate sponsors.

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