Hydro users should get ready for time of use


Many Rideau St. Lawrence Hydro customers have recently received letters with colourful graphs showcasing the price difference between the “old standard” and the “time-of-use” rates for their household electrical usage during the months of March and April.

According to chief executive officer John Walsh, “the purpose of the letter was just to give them another head’s up” that time-of-use rates will soon be in effect. 

“It was just to explain to people if they had been on time-of-use rates, what the difference would be so they can compare and make changes,” he said.

 He pointed out that the average change for March between the old rate and the time-of-use rate was an increase of $3.86 while the average change for April was an increase of $1.96. 

The difference “may have to do with the amount of electricity that’s used in heating the home,” he said.

Walsh pointed out that while the amount used for heating may not be compatible with time-of-use rates, customers can control when they use things like the dishwasher or clothes dryer.

“Some customers think they’re already on time-of-use rates,” said Walsh, but they first have to “finish the billing in the old method. Once that’s done, the next one is time-of-use rates. It depends on the billing cycle you’re in.” 

According to Walsh, some cycles may not start until July or August, however, customers “should be acting as if they’re on time-of-use rates now.”

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