Making action plans for future of South Dundas


Sari Liem of Dillon Consulting in Ottawa presented the interim report for the South Dundas Community Strategic Plan at the May 15th council meeting.

She reminded council that the process “is very much shaped by the community.”

Liem also pointed out that ideas need to be “achievable, practical and economically achievable” and should “support continuous improvement.”

According to Liem’s report, “we received over 200 community wishes (specific aspirations for the betterment of the community) across the various consultation activities.”

“The community wishes have been grouped into seven topic areas:

• Culture, heritage, tourism and waterfront development;

• Beautification;

• Economic growth, job creation and business support;

• Social supports, community resources and affordable housing;

• Planning and infrastructure;

• Recreation programs and facilities; and,

• Agriculture.”

In addition to breaking community wishes into topic areas, the Dillon consultants were able to summarize community wishes and ideas into common themes, which include:

• Create a municipal identity that will celebrate South Dundas’ rich history and culture;

• Create recreational programs, opportunities and facilities that will attract and retain families, children and youth;

• Strengthen South Dundas’ agricultural sector through partnerships with tourism industry;

• Support business expansion and job creation;

• Sustain South Dundas’ small town lifestyle through appropriate development;

• Implement beautification projects to strengthen our sense of pride and community.”

Liem told council the action plan meetings will be held on May 30th at Matilda Hall in Dixon’s Corners between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. Anyone in South Dundas wishing to have input in making actual plans for moving forward in South Dundas should register and attend.

Participants will be divided into two groups: group A and group B. Each group will tackle three different themes, spending 90 minutes on each planning session.

Following Liem’s presentation, mayor Steven Byvelds said, “I think what you’ve heard is what South Dundas is all about.”

“Hopefully, with appropriate action plans, we’ll get there.”

Following the action plan meetings, Dillon Consulting will create a recommended vision statement and an implementation strategy complete with timeline. 

The final plan, when ready, will be presented to council for approval and then be released to the public.

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