Getting it fresh in South Dundas


With spring well underway and summer just around the corner, it is finally time for farmers’ markets.

According to South Dundas clerk, Brenda Brunt, there is a by-law permitting two markets in the township: “one in Morrisburg across from the Pinkus Plaza and one in Iroquois by the Information Booth.”

She reported that “we sell six permits for each site. We have filled Iroquois but a couple of spots are left in Morrisburg.”

Brunt explained that the booths are filled when permit-holders have something to sell and, due to its unpredictable nature, the township does not advertise the farmers’ markets.

Predictability aside, according to Farmers’ Markets Ontario’s website, “shoppers love them because they can buy top-quality farm-fresh products directly from the person who produced them – and can often find products they won’t find anywhere else.”

“Communities love them because they bring people together and can turn once-deserted areas into hives of activity, attracting extra business for stores and restaurants nearby.”

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