“Yes, this is my recommendation,” said Hugh Garlough, South Dundas manager of public works. He suggested that council hire Willis Kerr Contracting Ltd. to construct Parlow Road South at a cost of $127,355 before HST.
During the May 1st South Dundas council meeting, Garlough also informed council that nine local companies had been notified of the tender, which had been prepared by Eastern Engineering Group. Only five companies returned bids on the project.
In addition to the bid from Willis Kerr Contracting Ltd., South Dundas also received bids from David Brown Construction, Cornwall Gravel, Frank Ault Excavating, and Cruickshank Construction.
In answer to councillor Jim Graham’s inquiries into the quality of the work to be done, Garlough assured council that, “Eastern Engineering will make sure it’s done up to the contract.”
He also pointed out that, in addition to being the lowest bid, “we had good luck with Willis Kerr last year on the north part.”
“Willis will do a good job,” agreed councillor Archie Mellan.
Council, all but mayor Steven Byvelds, voted in favour of hiring Willis Kerr Contracting Ltd. Byvelds eliminated himself from the discussion and decision due to a conflict of interest.
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