Letter to the Editor


Saving the Woodlot

Dear Editor,

This is in reference to Tyler Mills’ letter April 11, referring to the 400 acre woodlot. I am writing about money saving for SD&G. My origin is Middlesex County, where Lake Huron Pipeline replaced dry wells from a low water table.

One cause of a low water tables is removal of woodlots, bush which act as a reservoir for water. Tree removal is now by permit only. Replanting and wood lot maintenance is ongoing.

Pipeline installations involve millions of dollars of taxpayer money. Plus land owners pay their own installation and for metered water.

Such water pipelines experience shut down, sometimes for day, endangering livestock and personal water use.

In order to pay for maintenance and repairs, metered water increases in price.

SD&G needs rules to stop clear cutting woodlots and thus save the water table by issuing and policing permits for woodlot maintenance only.

To paraphrase the song, “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone: clear cut a soy bean plot.

Sincerely, Eileen Webb,

South Mountain.

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