Park Pals to get funding for landscaping projects

Shannon Geraghty, treasurer for South Dundas, made a recommendation to council at the April 3rd meeting on behalf of the Park Pals committee.

Geraghty recommended that council “authorize a transfer from the Parkland Reserve Fund in the amount of $2,000 contingent upon the committee, through fundraising efforts, raising the balance for the landscaping work at the Waterfront Dog Park.”

According to Geraghty’s report, “the scope of the work to commence at the dog park includes:

• An irrigation system that will over spray the heavy traffic areas of both the large and small dog park areas which will help to make the seeding and fertilizing efforts more successful.

• Excavation and installation of a gravel pad inside the entrance to the large park as a means to deal with the wear and tear incurred due to people/pets arriving, leaving, and congregating at the entry area.

• Installation and supply of electrical wiring including trenching, conduit, wire, sand, cement, etc. in order to allow for a light fixture to be installed between the two parks.”

During council’s discussion, deputy-mayor Jim Locke said, “I have no doubt that the group will fulfill their obligation. That’s good.”

“They do a good job,” agreed councillor Jim Graham.

Councillor Evonne Delegarde and mayor Steven Byvelds both expressed concern over the addition of the light fixture and how it may or may not fit into the plans of the Morrisburg Waterfront committee.

Byvelds had additional concerns as to the process for electrical hook-up and for ongoing payment of electricity charges at the dog park.

Geraghty pointed out that the current water and sewer charges for the dog park are being paid “from funds raised by the committee.”

The Park Pals committee is looking to SB & D Landscaping Co. of Iroquois to complete the work.

“The total cost including HST along with the rebate that municipalities currently receive,” reported Geraghty, “the cost that would be required to be financed through transfers and donations would amount to $6,989.97.”

“The committee currently has applied for a lottery license to conduct a Mother’s Day Draw for May 13th,” he reported. “They will be printing 1,200 tickets and selling them at a cost of $5 per ticket.”

He said the group hopes to make $5,000 in profit from the draw.

According to Tracey Veinotte, co-chair of the Park Pals committee, “we have some good prizes.”

The six prizes include: an ipad 3, a $200 Canadian Tire gift card in a Coach wristlet, a $100 gift card from Valumart in a Fossil wallet, a Swarovski pearl and crystal necklace, a manicure and pedicure from Pamper Me Esthetics, and a home visit from Mobile Hair and Make-Up Service.

The draw will take place on Mother’s Day, May13th at 1 p.m.  at the South Dundas Dog Park in Morrisburg. 

The fun part, according to Veinotte, is in the delivery. They plan to personally deliver the prizes to the door of each winner on Mother’s Day.

Once the Park Pals committee has secured their portion of the required funds, the township will transfer the $2,000 from the Parkland Reserve Fund and give it to the group.

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