Lengthy ‘Sunshine List’


Ontario’s 2012 Sunshine List was released last week, as per the article in last week’s edition of The Leader. Following a second study of the list, it would seem there’s a bit more to report in terms of those public sector workers who earned more than $100,000 in 2011.

Politically, former member of provincial parliament for Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry, Jim Brownell, made the list with $103,238.61 for his role as the parliamentary assistant of consumer services.

There were three employees listed for the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. treasurer Vanessa Bennett topped the list with $116,158.12. She was followed by county planner Michael Otis with $109,826.72 and county engineer Benjamin De Haan with $105,945.79.

As for the township of South Dundas, only one employee made the list: chief executive officer Stephen McDonald at $101,248.

The 2012 Sunshine List is quite lengthy. For those who might like a closer look, the list can be found on the Ontario Ministry of Finance website under “Public Sector Salary Disclosure 2012.”

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