Heart&Stroke Bonspiel


Ten teams took part in the annual Curling 4 Heart&Stroke Bonspiel held at the Morrisburg Curling Rink on Saturday, February 18. “The participants all seemed to be really enjoying themselves,” said Greta McGann, organizer, for the third year, of the event. “We were able to raise $1,014 for Heart&Stroke. We had great support from our community and from businesses in Morrisburg and Williamsburg, who donated team prizes.” “All the funds raised go to research and to seeing that defibrillators are available in public buildings,” said Lise Kosloski, volunteer for the Heart&Stroke Foundation. New to this year’s event was a just-for-fun skills competition set up by Jack Barkley and won by Kathy Norg and Wendy Casselman. Pictured above, with Foundation representatives, are the members of the ‘Pas and Daughters’ team (l-r) Dave King, Becky King, Kosloski, McGann, Laura Barkley and Jack Barkley. 

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