Twenty-one skaters represented the Morrisburg Figure Skate Club at the annual Prescott competition on the weekend of January 21-22 and it was a job well down.
When the final jump had been landed, the Morrisburg and area skaters found themselves in second spot overall in team points, behind the Glen Cairn skaters from Kanata.
In total the Morrisburg skaters collected six gold medals from Erika Jordan (pre-preliminary freestyle), Alexis Engwerda and Abby MacMillan (preliminary freestyle), Jessica Thompson (gold interpretive), and Trina MacPherson-Dykstra and Reagan Belanger (pre-preliminary freestyle).
Right behind them with second place skates were Katherine Lee (introduction interpretive), Alice Cameron (pre-preliminary) and Ali Van Hoof (intro interpretive).
For the overall standings skaters are awarded points for the finishes from first place down.
Adding fourth place points to the Morrisburg team score were Abigail Jordan, Ashley Bouwman and Olivia Hart in pre-preliminary, Kaitlyn Stewart in preliminary, and Teisha Mullin and Logan Patterson in junior bronze.
Other contributors to the team effort were Taylor Pilon in prelininary and introductory interpretive, Kathleen Nicolaassen and Kristyn VanHoof in preliminary, and Cameryn Broad and Kendra Buter in pre-preliminary.
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