Surplus land to be sold


According to a report submitted to South Dundas council, the township currently owns 109 properties.

On January 17th, council agreed with Clerk Brenda Brunt’s recommendation that seven of these properties should be declared surplus and then sold.

According to Brunt, “staff has done extensive research on our properties. These seven have been identified, that we feel are surplus at this point.” Brunt’s report pointed out that two of the properties have buildings, while the remaining five are vacant.

The seven properties include various locations throughout South Dundas. They are: 5680 Duncan Street in Mariatown; vacant land at the corner of County Roads 8 and 41; vacant land beside the outdoor rink in Dundela on County Road 18; vacant land on Hanesville Road; vacant land on Pleasant Valley Road;  vacant land on Caldwell Drive in Iroquois; and, 2 Miller Street in Iroquois.

According to the report, “proceeds from the sales will go to the Sale of Assets Reserve Account.”

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