Perspectives by Rev. Duncan Perry


Well, here we are again, the last day of November. Tomorrow is the first day of December, just 25 days until Christmas!

In the church this past Sunday, we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent. May I ask you a question, one that I don’t expect you to answer, except maybe for yourself, your own personal musing if you will?

What does Christmas mean to you?

Some of you will see it as a time for family and friends. Maybe a time for sharing gifts, or celebrating with family get-togethers. For some it may be so busy a time that you almost wish it never came. For others it is a boost for business. Christmas has all kinds of meanings for all kinds of people.

May I say Christmas is really about Jesus! It is a celebration of the time that God sent His one and only Son into the world to be the Savior of the world.

John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world, (that’s you and me), that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes on Him would not perish, (that is die separated from God) but would have everlasting life”.

I’m amazed today when I talk to people and listen to people talk, that it seems everyone believes he or she is going to heaven. But, the verse of scripture which I just quoted, which is God’s word by the way, tells us that to get to heaven one must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Well, what is it that we are supposed to believe?

Again, God’s word makes it clear for us.

Romans 3:23 tells us, “For all have sinned and fall short of God’s purpose and plan for our lives.”

The bible also tells us that sin separates us from God. That is what is meant in John 3:16 when it talks about perishing. To perish is to die without having been reconciled unto God.

Romans 6:23 tells us, “For the wages of sin is death…” eternal separation from God when we die.

There’s another part to Romans 6:23 though, and it’s the good news. It says, “…but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.” That is why Jesus came, that is why we celebrate Christmas, because Christmas is all about Jesus.

Does that mean we shouldn’t give gifts? Not at all! By all means, bless someone who is near and dear to you this Christmas.

But, let’s not forget Jesus. 

I recently read a story about a group of people who wanted to honor a special friend. So they sent out invitations, rented a hall, decorated it beautifully, and hired a first class caterer.

On the appointed day, everyone showed up, everyone that is except the guest of honor. When those present investigated, they were embarrassed to find that they had forgotten to invite the special person that they all wanted to honor.

I think Jesus must feel like that at times. This year invite Him. He’d love to be with you, and it is His birthday after all.

From my heart to your home, “Have a Very Merry Christmas!”


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