Architects have been hired

The former Morrisburg Collegiate Institute will soon be getting a new lease on life.

South Dundas CAO Stephen McDonald put forth three recommendations in reference to the old high school at the November 15th council meeting.

He began, saying, “I’m actually quite pleased to be presenting this report tonight. The process has been quite long and at the same time it’s allowed for lots of time for input from the clinic and the public.”

He recommended that council approve “the intended uses as illustrated in the conceptual floor plans” for the clinic and for the municipality.

The second recommendation asked that “the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with Colbourne & Kembel, Architects Inc. (CKAI)for the provision of Architect’s Services.”

McDonald’s third and final recommendation asked that the “CAO be directed to investigate and report to Council on the options available for financing this project both during and after the construction.”

He told council that CKAI “were retained by the Project Managers earlier this year to provide design development including concept building elevations and preliminary floor plans. They  have submitted a proposal to provide architectural services for the remaining phases of the project, utilizing the services of Eastern Engineering Group Inc. for engineering services. Our experience with CKAI to date has been positive as has been our past experience with Eastern Engineering and we have no hesitation in recommending that they continue with this project.”

“The True North Group estimated the cost to renovate the existing building for the proposed uses to be $2,572,470,” he reported.

McDonald believes it may be possible to “bring that number down to somewhere between one and a half to two million dollars.”

He also told council, “the total cost of architectural work is eight per cent of the contract.”

He suggested that “completion and turnover” of the project is expected by the end of July.

Mayor Steven Byvelds said he “thinks the partnership we’re going to have with the St. Lawrence Medical Clinic makes it well worth it.”

He believes South Dundas will be “a more efficient municipality for it.”

“I’m looking forward to watching this project progress,” he said.

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