Ken Hall, the Communications Relations Advisor for Enbridge Pipelines Inc. arrived at the Morrisburg Fire Hall on October 20th bringing a sizable donation for the South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services (SDFES). He presented a cheque for $10,000 to Fire Chief Chris McDonough. The donation will go toward funding a natural gas generator for the fire hall in Morrisburg. SDFES was chosen for the Safe Communities Grant because of its close proximity to an Enbridge pipeline. (Eligibility depends on being within 20 km of a pipeline.) Hall pointed out that there are no “strings attached” and the grant money doesn’t need to be used in relation to the pipeline or Enbridge. The purpose of the generous donation is to ensure that “first repsonders have the supplies they need to keep themselves safe and to keep their communities safe.” This is Enbridge’s way of “giving something back.”
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