Laurier Drive being looked at

 Are you one of the many people who drive Laurier Drive to County Road 2 on a daily basis?

On October 13th, Hugh Garlough, Manager of Public Works for South Dundas, gave the Leader an update on where things stand with the patch of road at the north end of Laurier in between Beavers Dental and Ultramar.

The piece in question, which is approximately the length of one car, has been quite bad for a good length of time with its pot holes and uneven pavement.

According to Garlough, “the counties own all intersections along any county road and any culvert that crosses an entrance to (a non-county) road.”

This means that the fate of Laurier Drive lies “in the hands of the counties.” Garlough was told that the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry would be doing an investigation before getting back to him on the road’s future.

The Leader followed up with County Engineer Ben De Haan the same day.

De Haan said he had “been out on site” but couldn’t say much about the state of the road as it was “covered in stone dust.” Ironically, the Township of South Dundas has been spreading stone dust in an attempt to make the road drivable.

He also said he “did look at the culvert (and there was) no significant issue with the culvert.”

In terms of the road itself, De Haan did admit there was “pretty deficient asphalt; deterioration of the asphalt.”

As for repairs or replacements? The outlook doesn’t seem likely. “We (Counties) don’t have it on our plan for this year.”

He did, however, say that the Counties are required to keep the road at a minimum code and, “if (there’s) patching to be done, we’ll (Counties) look after that.”

When questioned about the possibility of the road being put on next year’s budget agenda, De Haan didn’t seem optimistic.

He ventured that “it will be looked at (but that it’s) subject to approval.” 

Upon hearing this news, South Dundas Mayor Steven Byvelds had this to say: “Things are being looked into. Stay tuned.”

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