An apple-icious outing

Last Wednesday morning, some 20 plus youngsters with their moms, dads and grandpas and grandmas in tote visited Smyth’s Apple Orchards here, to pick a basket or two and, yes, to even munch on an apple or two.

Fiona Carr, the Family Resouroce Coordinator at the Ontario Early Years Centre in Iroquois, was excited about the great turnout for the annual trek to Smyth’s Orchards which included a tour of the packing facility and the opportunity for the kids to fill their own baskets.

The apple season is in full swing in South Dundas, and Sandra Beckstead says apple lovers can expect good quality and good quantity apples this year.

“The apples are on the smaller side,” she explains. “We didn’t get enough rain this summer  which results in smaller apples.”
Beckstead says that because of the lack of rain the trees are stressed and the apples are dropping. “So it is rush, rush, rush for us to get them picked. Mother Nature has a lot of control over us.”

The Macs, Honey Crisp, Lobo, Wealthy, Cortland, Royal Gala and Spartans are now available

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