Meanwhile, back at the Branch … Branch 370 news

After more years of playing crib than anyone can remember, Comrade Willis Douglas was blessed with his first-ever perfect hand of 29 points! He was dealt the Jack of clubs and three 5’s, when the 5 of clubs was cut for his nibs. Willis was playing with Mike Lavery against Ted Grattan and partner Roger Coulter. Congratulations Willis.

Speaking of crib, the IL (Iroquois Legion) crib league is gearing up for play starting Saturday, September 10th at 1pm. All crib enthusiasts are welcome, and the afternoon’s play consists of nine games with partners or opponents drawn at random from those present. Call Roger Coulter for more information.

The monthly steak barbecue at the IL held its own, even considering there were a couple of other functions going on in the community. The barbecue crew was little, but those that were there pitched in and got the job done. You did a great job crew… the evening was a success, with 76 steak dinners being served.

The next steak barbecue will be held on September 17th. It is highly recommended to get your tickets early because a large crowd is expected, as the event is listed as part of Applefest.

I received a call last week from a very important project that is going on in our nation, dedicated to recording the stories of our war veterans. A project that is sponsored in part by Canadian Heritage and Historica-Dominion Instuitute, this is a project that is currently working against time to digitally record the stories of our World War II veterans. On their website you can listen to the stories of the veterans in their own voices, or you also have the option to read the interview verbatim. It is truly amazing.

The stories are interesting and informative, and as well, the classroom project is proving to be very successful. It is the foundation’s aim to someday have this project included in the education curriculum. Veteran speakers will also go into the classroom, college or other functions to tell their stories.  

In checking out their website, I was disappointed that I couldn’t find any veterans stories from our area at all. If you are a WWII veteran or have a family member or friend who served in the second great war, please call 1-866-701-1867 or email This truly is a race against time as we are losing our veterans at an alarming rate now.

There were seven tables seated at August 9th euchre. In first was Cecil McDermott, followed by Martha Whitford in second. Betty Shaver was third.

On August 16th, there were nine tables, with Gladys Parks finishing first. In second place there was a three-way tie between Jean Dunbar, Sandra Julien and Jack Shaver.

This Friday’s hot lunch will be beef strips and sauce served with rice pilaf, with Mexican fruitcake for dessert.

Have a great week everyone! Cheers.

Thought of the Week: For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. Audrey Hepburn 1929- 1993.

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