Handicapped accessibility questioned


Dear Editor,

Hurray, they finally paved the shopping center (Morrisburg).  They even painted the lines, except at the handicapped parking spaces.

Come on Council, think of the handicapped people who have walkers and wheelchairs and canes.  There is one handicapped parking by the drugstore, one by the liquor store and four  at the grocery store.

There should be two or three by the drugstore, and the first car parking in each row across from the Bank of Montreal and the drugstore.  At one time there was one across from the drugstore, but when they paved there previously, it was never assigned again to handicapped.

South Dundas Council should take a page from Ottawa council. They had councilors in wheel chairs, or using canes and walkers, maneuver shopping centre, post office and arena areas.  Some had to wear glasses that made it hard to see and others had weights on their legs which made it harder to walk.  Our council is young, but they have to think of people with handicaps.

Go to the medical xlinic and then to the shopping centre and see the handicapped people.  Some are handicapped but don’t show it on the outside.

In the summer go to Upper Canada Village with a wheelchair, go up ramps, enter washrooms, and then when you are tired go to the store to exit and try to get up the ramp to the store. Then when you are done, go up the hill to the parking lot. No cheating by getting out of the chair and walking.

I hope this makes our Council open their eyes.  Maybe some day they will need a wheel chair.

Yours Loyally:

Lynne (O’Brien) Cook, U.E.


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