Progress continues as Dundas Manor fundraising breaks the $14 million mark – Construction work progresses on the new Dundas Manor with two of the wings already shaping up on the site and much of the concrete foundations complete as of October 4. The WDMH Foundation, which is responsible for fundraising the required $18 million from the community towards the $63 million project announced October 2 that it had officially broken the $14 million mark – a major milestone. “We are so grateful for your support – through individual donations, community events, legacy gifts, participation in events, volunteering at events, raffle ticket purchases, and so much more,” said Managing Director Kristen Casselman. “It is an honour to work with, talk to, and plan longer term gifts with our donors. Everyone has a reason to give to Dundas Manor and we love hearing your stories.” The 128-bed facility is expected to be completed by Summer 2026. (The Leader/Blancher photo)Three of the many committed community supporters who care about Winchester District Memorial Hospital and Dundas Manor, were on hand at the Grand Parade. The trio were helping raise funds and awareness for the new long-term care home. Pictured above are Bill Smirle, Carlton ‘Mike’ McInnis, a Stormtrooper, and Earl Windsor. (Supplied/WDMHF photo)
WINCHESTER – The second annual Grand Parade in support of the WDMH Foundation’s fundraising efforts for the new Dundas Manor raised $37,465 the organization announced this week.
“We are so grateful to everyone – walkers, donors, sponsors, volunteers, and even the community members who waved along the route,” said WDMHF Managing Director Kristen Casselman. “It was a perfect day to raise money for the newest home in our community.”
The Grand Parade – held September 28 – saw residents from Dundas Manor riding in style on bicycles built for three, to families in the neighbourhood coming out to support the parade. Many people were dressed in costumes from the Ghostbusters to Star Wars Storm Troopers.
The first year of the event in 2023 raised just over $100,000 for the Dundas Manor redevelopment. Donations towards this year’s parade will continue to be accepted by the WDMHF until October 31. “We are excited to continue fundraising alongside the construction,” said Casselman.
The new Dundas Manor building will expand the facility from 98 to 128 beds, all in private rooms, and will cost approximately $63 million. Provincial funding will cover $45 million, with the balance raised by the local campaign.
Last Wednesday, the organization reached the $14 million mark in its fundraising effort.
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