Blues and jazz with Dawn Tyler Watson

MORRISBURG – Fans of blues, jazz, and simply great music, are in for a real treat on Saturday, September 7 at 7 p.m. when Harmony Concerts is welcoming “Montreal’s Queen of the Blues,” Dawn Tyler Watson, to Stone Crop Acres Winery for a terrific show.

A Blues Album of the Year Juno award winner for her album, ‘Mad Love,’ 2020, and a Maple Blues winner for Songwriter of the Year, Dawn Watson is considered one of Canada’s greatest interpreters of the blues. She holds numerous Quebec Lys Blues Awards as well as a Screaming Jay Hawkins Award for Live Performance. Blues Blast Magazine raved about the “effortless power of her voice, her beautiful tones and wonderful stage presence.”

Watson grew up with music a big part of her life. Her adoptive family played everything from Dean Martin to Barry White when she was growing up. She sang in her family church, and learned to play the guitar. She studied at the Concordia Music program in Montreal. Since embarking on a musical career she has garnered recognition in Canada and internationally. She has even earned enormous praise in Memphis, heart of Blues music, after she took home the first prize at the International Blues Challenge in 2017.

Watson has toured with guitarist Paul DesLauriers and performed with the 7-piece band fronted by award winning guitarist Ben Racine. Her music is a dynamic infusion of jazz, soul, rock and gospel. When she takes to the stage at her Harmony Concert appearance at Stone Crop Acres, music lovers can look forward to an evening of powerful, stirring songs, performed by one of Canada’s most dynamic artists, Dawn Tyler Watson.

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