Two candidates for SDG Warden

CORNWALL – South Stormont Mayor Bryan McGills and South Glengarry Deputy Mayor Martin Lang have thrown their names in the hat to be the next Warden of SDG Counties. The two candidates put their names forward at the July 15 council meeting.

The election of warden, who acts as the head of the United Counties’ council and administration, was moved up by three months earlier this year allowing for an August election, and a three-month transition period for the Warden-elect.

Lang, a first-term member of Counties Council, represents South Glengarry on council. A cash-crop farmer, he has served on that township’s council since 2018 – first as councillor, then as deputy mayor in 2022.

“I have the time and always like to contribute to the council,” Lang told The Leader.

If successful in his bid for the Warden’s chair, Lang said keeping rural schools and collaboration between the upper and lower-tiers of government is important to keep on the front burner.

“I like the collaboration that has been going on between the Counties and the townships,” he said. “I want to keep our rural schools front and centre as they are important in our communities.”

McGillis has previously served as warden in 2010. This is the third year in a row he has advanced his name for consideration for the position.

He is currently serving his third term as mayor, and fourth on South Stormont council. He is currently chair of the Raisin Region Conservation Authority and also sits on the SDG OPP Police Services Board.

McGillis was contacted in preparation of this story. No response was received by our print or online publication deadlines.

SDG council will elect the next Warden at their August 26 council meeting. Wardens are elected by the 12 members of Counties’ council and serve for a one year term. They can choose to run for reelection for a second one year term. Outgoing Warden Jamie MacDonald told council he was not throwing his name into the hat.

In the event of a tie vote, the warden is selected by drawing names from a hat.

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