Relay for Life raises over $17K

PRESCOTT – Seaway District High School students taking part in the annual Relay For Life event last Thursday (May 30) raised $17,584 for the Canadian Cancer Society.

The day-long event (11 a.m. to 11 p.m.) was hosted by South Grenville District High School in Prescott.

“The generosity of our South Dundas community truly amazes and humbles me,” said organizing teacher Carrie Gilmour. “I love Relay because it is an activity that everone can participate in and has a deeper meaning for those that donate and fundraise.”

The top fundraising team at the school was Kelsey’s Team, led by Kelsey Duncan. The team far exceeded their goal of $1,000, raising $3,308.50.

The top individual fundraiser in Grade 9-12 was Ruby Jansen, who raised $1,350 in donations for the cause. The top fundraiser for Grade 7-8 was Taylor Elliott, who surpassed his $100 goal, raising $764.70.

“Thank you to South Grenville DHS for the hours and hours dedicates to the organization of this event,” Gilmour added.

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