$8.8M price tag for Morris Glen expansion

Then Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Steve Clark announced nearly $1.7 million in funding for an affordable housing expansion at Morris Glen in Morrisburg November 10, 2022. The price tag for the expansion has now almost doubled. (The Leader/Comfort photo)

CORNWALL – The 17-unit expansion to the Morris Glen Court will cost nearly $8.8 million, nearly double the original estimated price. City of Cornwall council is scheduled to approve the construction contract at its May 14 council meeting.

The expansion is the first phase of two for the property, owned and operated by Cornwall’s Human Services Department. The city operates social housing throughout SDG Counties through the Shared Services Agreement with the Counties.

North York contractor DC&F will be awarded the $8,773,497.16 (including HST) construction contract. The company has built condo and apartment complexes in the Greater Toronto Area.

DC&F was the second lowest of five bidders. In its report to Cornwall council, the city’s Finance Department said the successful bidder was chosen, “being the best bid meeting the tender specifications.”

Ottawa-based Brawn Construction Ltd was the lowest bidder by nearly $800,000. The highest bid for the project was nearly $10 million.

The City estimated the project would cost between $4-5 million. Nearly $1.7 million in funding for the project comes from the fifth phase of the Social Services Relief Fund, and $575,000 from the Social Housing Regeneration Reserve. The city will finance the balance of the project, or $6,504,295.16.

The 17-unit project will have 12 rent-geared-to-income units and five units available at market rent prices.

Consisting of three stories, the first floor will have five, two-bedroom units, with six two-bedroom units on the remaining floors. Four of the ground floor units will be barrier free.

The project is set to break ground in Spring 2024 and be completed by Fall 2025.

Expanding Morris Glen is one of many projects the department is working on in South Dundas to address housing needs.

Cornwall’s Human Services Department is also looking at properties in Iroquois including the parking lot across from Seaway District High School, and on the west end of Iroquois on County Road 2, west of the roundabout. Both properties are owned by the Municipality of South Dundas.

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