Iroquois Legion donates $34K to local groups

Pictured with ‘Hoss’, the Legion mascot, are, front row, Darlene Riddell and Sheila Holmes with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 370 in Iroquois. Back row (l-r) are Janeen Wagemans – Community Food Share, Paul Renaud – Dundas County Hospice, and Kristan Poirier – Carefor Hospice Cornwall. (The Leader/Gibb photo)

IROQUOIS – The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 370 in Iroquois made a lot of groups holiday season extra bright. The Legion donated $34,000 to seven different organizations.

The Dundas County Hospice in Williamsburg and Carefor Hospice in Cornwall each received an $11,000 donation. Local food bank, Community Food Share, received a $5,000 donation from the legion branch.

“Everyone will have a much happier Christmas this year thanks to the great generosity of the Iroquois Legion,” said Janeen Wagemans on behalf of CFS.

The South Dundas Christmas Exchange received a cheque for $2,500 to support that Christmastime program, while two Ottawa-based residences, Perley Rideau Residence and Veterans House each received donations for $2,000. The Legion also supported the Santa Claus Parade in Morrisburg run by George Davies and his daughter Lori with a cheque for $500.

Sheila Holmes, president of the Ladies Auxiliary and Darlene Riddell, president of the Iroquois Legion, were on hand to present the generous donations on behalf of the Legion members. They explained that the funds had all been raised through the Legions Catch the Ace, the Nevada Account, the Poppy Fund and the through the Ladies Auxiliary.

“The on-going support of our community, and the kindness of the many community business outlets who offer their services freely, make it possible for us to raise these funds to help people,” Holmes said.

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