Patchwork paving project $17k

Pictured, South Dundas public works crews patching some of the many major rough spots in the Iroquois Plaza. Shortly thereafter similar work was completed in the Morrisburg Plaza. (The Leader/Comfort photo)

MORRISBURG – In recent weeks, the Municipality of South Dundas undertook some much needed work in the Morrisburg and Iroquois plazas to address some of the numerous pothole issues.

Amounting to patching and overlaying pavement to a few key areas of the parking lots, this is only a short-term fix. These will end up being large projects in the future.

The recent work completed cost about $17,000 for materials and equipment for municipal staff in the two plazas.

While the Morrisburg Business Improvement Area does generate funds through a special tax levy which can be used to cover expenses incurred by that organization, the Iroquois Business Group does not, so projects like this one must be funded through the South Dundas budgeting process because the Municipality of South Dundas owns the sidewalks and infrastructure outside the doorsteps of the businesses at both of the plazas. South Dundas budgeted $15,000 for plaza repairs and maintenance this year, “which will support this work,” said Shawna O’Neill, South Dundas communications coordinator in response to The Leader’s inquiry.

“By repaving large sections of the plazas, the South Dundas Transportation team is striving to eliminate uneven sections of asphalt that have formed over time, keeping the health and safety of plaza users at the top of our mind,” said South Dundas Director of Transportation Jeff Hyndman.

Hyndman had previously retained approximate costs associated with entirely re-milling and re-paving both plazas but he did not share that figure with The Leader for context.

“Due to the quote being an approximation and retained several months ago, staff feel the figure would no longer be accurate in our volatile market,” said O’Neill.

“Due to large budget implications, this work was not presented in the 2023 Budget.”

Staff plan to assess the lifespan of the water and sewer infrastructure in addition to asphalt work should council decide to begin upgrading these locations which will not happen this year.

“Staff however do plan to have a more fulsome discussion about potential upgrades at both plazas during the 2024 Budget. This may also include assessing the lifespan of the water and sewer infrastructure,” said O’Neill.

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