Jubilee Medals honour local recipients

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medallion Honourees – South Dundas was very well represented on Sunday, November 13, at the official ceremonies honouring those who have been awarded a 2022 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medallion. Over 42 outstanding community leaders, people who often serve behind the scenes, but do so much for their counties, province and country, gathered at Notre Dame Co-Cathedral in Cornwall for a special celebration before nearly 300 friends and families. From South Dundas, pictured left to right, are Janeen Wagemans, Keith Robinson, Anna Smail, Linda Robinson, Darlene Riddell, Norene Hyatt-Gervais, Candace Latulippe, Caroline Rooney and MP Eric Duncan. Also honoured was the Rev. Pat Martin. (The Leader/Gibb photo)

CORNWALL – It was both a solemn and a joyful occasion as over 42 recipients of the 2022 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medals gathered at Notre Dame Co-Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Cornwall on Sunday, November 13.

The Jubilee Medal was created to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s 70 year reign. The Medal recognizes dedicated service in many fields. Those being honoured have worked with youth and seniors in many venues, in health care, in education and with many area service groups, in agriculture and in the arts, and have often been responsible for raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to help those who are dispossessed or in need.

The Cathedral was filled with families, friends and well-wishers as the government of Ontario honoured those people from Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry who have collectively devoted decades to the service of others and of their communities. MP Eric Duncan presented the medals as the recipients’ often extraordinary accomplishments were announced to the crowd.

MP Eric Duncan talked about the nature and purpose of the award. “Today, we celebrate some amazing Canadians, who, for years, sometimes for decades, have volunteered in, and served their communities, often operating well behind the scenes. When you ask them, they are usually the first to proclaim, I didn’t do this by myself, and to immediately recognize others who have worked alongside them in their projects. They are Canadians who have stepped up to make a difference not only in the SD&G communities, but in our nation. This medal recognizes leaders who exemplify service to others and whose energy and passion have made a difference.”

In his remarks, he recalled the words of Lily Tomlin. “‘I always wondered why someone didn’t do something about that. Then I realized that, I am somebody.’”

As Eric said to the 2022 Jubilee Medal honourees, “We are blessed that you all stood up and as great Canadians have ‘done something.’ We are lucky to have wonderful people like all of you in our lives. You demonstrate that is always better to focus on hope. You exemplify why we are proud to live in such a generous and giving community.”

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