Obituary – Barbara Jane Moran-Tait

April 9, 1958 - October 27, 2022

On October 27, 2022 our beloved Wife, Mother, Gramma, Sister and Friend Barb passed away at the Quinte Hospice surrounded by her family after a brave and tenacious six year battle with cancer. A battle that she fought every day with unbridled determination and a positive attitude. She is our hero!

Barb was born on April 9, 1958, the fourth of six children born to the late Lois Moran – née Renwick and Malcolm “Bud” Moran. She was the fourth oldest child because she was born minutes after her twin brother Brian. Her father Bud was so excited to have twins in the family that he woke the whole town of Brinston to tell everyone the news.

Barb grew up in Brinston, Ontario. It was a great place to grow up. There were kids everywhere, baseball in the summer, the outdoor rink in the winter and when the creek flooded in the spring rafts to build and float across the fields. Barb perfected her bareback horse riding skills racing across the field on one of the family’s three ponies.

Barb and her soulmate Dave Tait were married on September 12, 1982. They are the proud parents of Ian (Terra Herfkins) of Morewood, Evan (Emma) of Embrun and Alix (Cory) of Belleville. She is the doting Gramma of Logan, Dylan, Brooke, Lilah, Theo, Carter, Riley, Mackenzie and Charlie.

Barb’s loss is deeply felt by her older siblings Chris (Pam), Karen Dawson and Brian (Joanne) and her younger siblings Michael (Brenda) and Patrick.

Barb’s focus has always been on family. She was very active in sports, particularly boys and girls hockey.  She was an organizer, team trainer and mentor and built many lifetime friendships through her efforts. She worked at the Morrisburg Pharmacy for many years where she come to know so many people in the community who she would greet with her friendly smile.

When Barb learned of her cancer diagnosis she didn’t allow it to pull her down. She made up her mind she was going to be happy. Family visited often. We laughed, joked and when everyone got together we recanted the many characters and the escapades we had growing up in Brinston. Her hearty laugh was infectious.

She was the best Wife, Mother, Gramma, Sister and Friend that anyone could ask for and we miss her profoundly.

Celebration of Life

Family and friends may gather at the Marsden McLaughlin Funeral Home in Williamsburg on Saturday November 5th from 1 to 4 p.m. A private family interment will follow at St. Ann’s Cemetery in Dixon’s Corners. Friends are invited to join the family at the Royal Canadian Legion in Morrisburg for a luncheon from 5-7 p.m.

In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society Lung Research Fund at would be gratefully acknowledged by the family. If you are making your donation online or by cheque directly to the charity, please include the following note with your gift “please notify the family”. Online condolences may be made at

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