South Dundas logo refresh approved

The present South Dundas logo (left) and the approved update.

MORRISBURG – While South Dundas council would not approve a re-branding exercise that would have re-examined the municipality’s logo in 2020, they did approve a re-draw and re-fresh of the logo at the July 11 meeting.

“South Dundas staff contacted a graphic designer to redraw the logo for optimal printing quality and produce the file in the appropriate vector formats,” Kalynn Sawyer Helmer told council. “During the discussion with the designer, staff recognized an opportunity to give the logo a refresh.”

While the re-branding in 2020 came with a price tag upwards of $50,000, this local refresh and redraw has an initial cost of about $1,000.

South Dundas deputy mayor Kirsten Gardner said that she likes the colours however she recommended that it should be used for marketing and that the corporate logo, used on things like envelopes should remain a single colour. “More colours cost more,” said Gardner. “Adding more colours could double the price.”

“We should just use this logo to make a bold statement,” she added.

Sawyer Helmer said she would recommend using the new logo on new envelopes.

However as discussions amongst councillors progressed it became increasingly unclear about how this new more colourful logo will be used and phased-in.

In the end, South Dundas mayor Byvelds asked that staff provide council with a report on how this phase-in will take place.

“We need to get some dollar figures on this,” added South Dundas councillor Lloyd Wells.

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