WINCHESTER – Winchester District Memorial Hospital announced that its COVID-19 assessment centre will open on April 1st.
Originally planned to open last week, the centre, operated by the hospital in partnership with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, remained closed until there was a strain placed on the hospital.
“The aim of the assessment centre is to increase access to COVID-19 testing for EOHU area residents, while reducing the strain on 911, EMS and hospital emergency rooms so that they can focus on urgent care,” said Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health at the EOHU in a release March 31st. “It will also reduce the risk of spreading the virus in hospitals and doctors’ offices, helping us to protect healthcare workers and other patients from COVID-19 infection.”
The assessment centre is located in the Winchester Lions Club hall at 515 Albert Street and will be open Monday to Friday, from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
To access the centre, people who have COVID-19 symptoms like fever and a worsening cough are encouraged to go to the Ministry of Health’s website and complete a self-assessment online. Or people can contact their health care provider, or call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
People with moderate or worsening symptoms may be referred to the assessment centre. Testing decisions are based on Ministry of Health guidelines. If anyone is experiencing severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, they should call 911 or go to the hospital emergency room.