The Seaway Scoop – October 2, 2019

IROQUOIS – With only four weeks down, there’s already so much happening at Seaway. From sporting events to spirit days, Seaway District High school is already back into the swing of things.

On September 27th, the senior boys volleyball team kicked off their season by taking part in a tournament at Queen’s University. They won a set in their fourth game and it was a great way for them to warm up for their upcoming season. The intermediate cross-country team participated in the North Dundas Cross-Country Invitational on September 26th and the intermediate soccer team began their season with a tournament in South Grenville on September 24th.

On September 30th, Seaway held its annual sports day along with Terry Fox day. It was also orange shirt day to support the Every Child Matters movement. In the afternoon, there will be a buyout in the gym for the movie Indian Horse which follows the story of a boy who survived the residential schools and went on to become a star hockey player. All proceeds from the buyout will be donated to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women foundation.

Mrs. Thompson’s science class has already begun using the greenhouse. Radishes have sprouted and various other vegetables and legumes have been planted. The class has also learned about the properties of soil and the proper use of different safety tools along the way. We`re all eager to see what these advances will bring come spring.

Congratulations to Owen Fetterly for competing at EOSSAA golf. We could not be more proud of how our school was represented.

Student Council has begun planning a spirit week leading up to Halloween. They hope that everyone will participate and show some spooky Spartan pride.

The Seaway Scoop is written by Danika Nielsen and Olivia Chafe, and is published in The Leader.

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