Viva Las Tubies

Annual Tubie race near Mariatown in 2018. (The Leader/Blancher photo)

MORRISBURG – Bright light city gonna set my soul/Gonna set my soul on fire!

Elvis could have been singing about the most exciting place to be in Eastern Ontario this August 2-4 – the great Tubie Weekend right here in Morrisburg.

Viva Las Tubies is offering up an utterly unique and great river racing competition, the Great Tubie Parade down main street, a challenging biathlon, a relaxing beer garden for renewing old friendships, plenty of activities for the kids, plenty of fun for the adults at the Saturday Tubie Dance under the stars, good music and delicious food everywhere.

The Tubies began as a friendly competition nearly five decades ago, and has since grown into a one-of-a-kind event that draws in amateur rowing teams of all ages competing in some of the most “unusual” craft you’ll ever see. The big question: who’ll take the coveted Crown as the 2019 Rulers of the River?

The Tubie Weekend is a special, family oriented event that combines love of the river with the old-fashioned hospitality of Morrisburg, a waterfront community. Don’t miss a minute of Viva Las Tubies!

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