Editorial: Changes made

Fifty-four per cent of the South Dundas electorate voted in Monday’s election, and a majority of those voters opted for change. One person out of the current five on council will return for the next term of council.

Three of those elected October 22nd have never held political office, but each brings decades of experience to the council table. This will be important given the decades of experience that will leave this South Dundas table in November.

We hope that fresh perspectives and varied experiences will bring new ideas and solutions to the problems which must be solved at the municipal level.

From the coffee shops to the all-candidates meetings citizens wanted change from the status quo.

These changes were not limited to South Dundas. Our neighbours to the east and north have mostly new councils. South Stormont has voted in four new people to its council. Cornwall made history with its mayoral election. And five out of 10 trustees in the Upper Canada District School Board are new faces who have not held office before.

To those who are retiring or who were defeated Monday, thank you for your service to your community over some challenging years.

There is little doubt that being an elected official can be a thankless job. Officials are the ones who must deal with the complaints and concerns of citizens, and they are the first to be blamed for mistakes, whether those mistakes are their own doing or not.

Service to the public is the noblest of callings, yet also the most taxing. Those who have put their names forward deserve our respect and our thanks for their efforts.

To the incoming council: there is a lot of work ahead. You may not have the answers right away. When you do, know that the answers may not be what everyone out there wants to hear.

Well, in a free-and-fair democracy, that is okay. The new council will need time and patience to learn new roles and to get used to the job.

Our new council chose to make a four year commitment to South Dundas. The changes that people voted for will not be immediate. It will take time. We wish the new council good luck in its work.

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