Seaway Intermediate athletic award winners

Seaway Intermediate Athletic Award Winners – After the June 25th awards ceremony, the winners posed for this photo. Pictured above in the front row (L-R): Jorja Piquette, Keaton Urquhart, Cameron Shaver, Monty DeJong, Hannah Gibbons, Kloe Lewis, Trinity Oosterhof, and Wyatt Barkley. Back row: Maeryn Gilmour, Gracie Fairbairn, Ryley Ault, Tyler Stewart, Olivia Mudde, Nolan Belanger, Stefan Kronstal, Dryden Buter and Brooklyn Hitsman. (The Leader/Blancher photo)

IROQUOIS – The Seaway District Intermediate School honoured its athletes at the end of the school year with its annual athletic awards, presented June 25th. A total of 18 athletes across Grades 7 and 8 were selected.

The Athlete of the Year award for girls was presented to Olivia Mudde. Stefan Kronstal and Tyler Stewart were awarded with the Athlete of the Year for the boys.

The Sportsmanship Award was given to Gracie Fairbairn and Cameron Shaver.

In addition, athletes were recognized for achievements in individual sports with awards for Most Valuable Player, and other achievements.

Tyler Stewart, Wyatt Barkley, Lily Henderson and Kloe Lewis were awarded MVPs for cross-country running.

Dryden Buter and Henderson were awarded MVP for soccer.

In volleyball, Maeryn Gilmour, Jorja Piquette, Shaver and Tyler Stewart received the MVP awards, while Kronstal and Mudde were MVPs in basketball. Brooklyn Hitsman was awarded most-improved player in basketball.

Nolan Belanger and Hannah Gibbons were MVP’s for curling, while Keaton Urquhart, Monty Dejong and Trinity Oosterhof were MVPs for badminton.

In track and field, Ryley Ault and Mudde were named MVP, while Asher Segall was highlighted for his multiple first place finishes in para track and field events at the Upper Canada Cup.
Kronstal and Mudde were named MVPs for three-pitch.

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