Top parenting author Ann Douglas coming to Seaway

SOUTH DUNDAS – Canada’s bestselling and trusted parenting authority will be the featured guest speaker at the Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds Health and Wellness Fair taking place April 25th at Seaway District High School.

Author Ann Douglas will be presenting her Healthy Parents, Healthy Kids keynote address from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the gymnasium at Seaway District High School.

Her appearance at the Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds event, and the whole health and wellness fair is aimed at parents of school-aged children, is made possible by through the support of Morrisburg, Iroquois and Seaway school councils’ successful Pro Grant funding application. Following the threat of possible school closures last year the school councils got together to apply for the grant as an act of solidarity.

Douglas is the author of numerous parenting books. She created the Mother of All series which includes The Mother of All Pregnancy Books, The Mother of All Baby Books, The Mother of All Toddler Books and The Mother of All Parenting Books.

Her latest book is called Parenting Through the Storm, which offers advice for parents who are living with children who have mental illness, a subject with which she has first hand experience as each of her four children has struggled with one or more conditions that fall under the children’s mental health umbrella. During Douglas’ Healthy Parents, Healthy Kids presentation she talks about the importance of parents walking the talk of healthy living and the importance of parents providing kids with opportunities to make healthy lifestyle choices by supporting opportunities for physical activity, prioritizing sleep, making healthy food available and teaching stress and anxiety management skills.

“She’s really down to earth and plans to share her own personal experiences,” said Julianne Staebler, one of the event planners. The Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds Health and Wellness Fair runs from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 25.

Along with the guest speaker, the evening features displays from over a dozen area service providers to allow parents and those attending to discover the local resources for health and wellness already available in South Dundas.

Bus transportation is available that evening from Morrisburg Public School to Seaway District High School. Pickup times at MPS are 5:15 p.m. and 6 p.m.

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