Petition blocks Broken Second closure plan

IROQUOIS – A petition opposing the proposed closure of the section of Broken Second Road between Carman Road and County Road 2 convinced South Dundas council to change its plans.
Council received the petition with over 400 signatures of those who are opposed to the closure plan.

It said that the road should be kept open to allow alternate access to the west end of the village, especially important in the event of an emergency.

South Dundas deputy mayor Jim Locke said, “I don’t buy into the arguments made in the petition. But, I can take it or leave it. The way it is is fine. But, I am not in favour of spending any money on upgrades to that road.”

He went on to say that the new roundabout means that there is now a safe wonderful intersection there for people to use. But if they won’t use it that’s fine.”

“Whether or not we close that road makes no real difference to me,” said South Dundas councillor Bill Ewing.

“Leave it, but monitor it, to make sure that it’s not creating an issue,” said South Dundas councillor Archie Mellan. “If it works, then fine. I have no problem with leaving it.”

“There are some people who are reluctant to use the roundabout. Me I go that way just to drive on it. I think it’s pretty neat,” said South Dundas mayor Evonne Delegarde.

She added that she is concerned about the added traffic in the area that will result from numerous overpass projects taking place over the next couple of years. “We’ll leave it open so people can use it as is.”

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