Roadside weed spraying commences May 20th

As part of the Region’s vegetation management program, the Counties, Township of North Dundas, Municipality of South Dundas, Township of North Stormont, Township of South Stormont and Township of South Glengarry will be spraying noxious weeds with approved herbicides along pre-selected county and municipal roads. 

The work is scheduled to start on May 20th and should be completed by June 30th; however the schedule and progress greatly depends on the weather conditions during this period.

Information about the program, roads which will be treated, how to erect “no spray” signs and daily updates can be found on the County website at

 The main purpose of the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990, is to reduce the impact of noxious weeds on the industries of agriculture and horticulture. 

Wild Parsnip was added as a Provincial Noxious Weed in 2015.  SDG had designated Wild Parsnip as a Local Noxious Weed in 2013.

In spring 2015 the counties will also be undertaking a weed audit of all county roadsides to confirm the effectiveness of the program and to document new weed pressures within agricultural areas. 

“The program which will be undertaken targets unmaintained rural roadsides where the proliferation of these weeds can impact adjacent fields.  The roads that have been selected for treatment are roads with the highest weed pressures,” said Benjamin de Haan, Director of Transportation and Planning Services, for the United Counties of SDG.

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