Hospice award in memory of Diane Annable


“On behalf of Dundas County Hospice, we thank our volunteers for over 1,900 hours that have been donated to our organization over this past year,” said director of client services, Catheryn Mulder at the annual Hospice Volunteer Appreciation night, held last Wednesday night, April 22.

It was a night, that would not only thank the volunteers, but an evening to remember the late Diane Annable of Winchester, whose family was on hand to unveil a Memorial Award for Volunteer Service to Dundas County Hospice. Annable, a dedicated volunteer with Hospice for seven plus years, passed away in February, 2014.

Named as the first recipient of the Diane Annable Memorial was Sandra Jennings, who, like Annable, has served the Dundas County Hospice in various volunteer/ board positions, for many years. 

“I enjoy my work, it’s a good cause, but we miss our Diane who was an all-round good person,” said Jennings, following the presentation made by Annable’s husband Gary and son Thomas. Also on hand were Diane’s mother and father, Vance and Audrey Mcleese.

“It was Diane who got us going on fundraising, she was a special person,” said Jennings.

“Diane enjoyed the volunteer work she did for Dundas County Hospice very much,” said Gary. He explained that she first volunteered when she was high school age and worked with children’s camps in Toronto. “She loved to organize.”

“The year’s 1,900 volunteer hours for Hospice included hours provided for direct client involvement, board hours, equipment cleaning, public awareness and fundraising,” said Mulder, following the presentation.

“Thank you to those of you who gave comfort and kind words and a listening ear for the clients you visited so faithfully,” said Mulder.  “Thank you to those of you who provided activities and assisted with the Day Hospice and Men’s Breakfast. Thank you for the many hours you spent on fundraising for Hoedown, for golf, for the annual newsletter and now the upcoming Hike for Hospice.”

Mulder told the volunteers that it had been an exciting year for Dundas County Hospice. 

“This has definitely been a time for exciting growth, and we could not have accomplished this without you our volunteers.”

“Our board, as well as our executive director, Lisa Casselman, have gone above and beyond. They have made our dreams of expanding our day hospice program and locating in a new facility, realities.”

The board of directors for Dundas County Hospice includes chair Bob Pitruniak, vice-chair, Paul Renaud, past chair, Sandra Jennings, treasurer Janet Moorhouse, secretary Arlene Nesbitt. Directors are Betty Guy, Mary Gibson, Kathy Spruit and Bob Sisson.

Introduced was Lynn Gee, who is the new program assistant with the day hospice program.

Dundas County Hospice offers a variety of services to anyone suffering from a terminal or life-threatening illness. Hospice supports clients and their caregivers through all stages of their illness including bereavement support after the death of the client. All of our services are free

The hospice offers an equipment loan program which helps clients maintain some independence, comfort and mobility. 

Hospice also assists with in-home complimentary therapies for clients that can no longer get out.

Coming up on May 3, is a  Hike for Hospice  (2.5 or 5 km. hikes) fundraiser. Folks are invited to join Hospice for a hike along the beautiful St. Lawrence in Morrisburg. A donation to Dundas County Hospice will get you registered (9:30-10:30 a.m.) and participants can get hiking at 10:30 a.m. A barbecue at noon will complete the event.

The Hike for Hospice will be part of a busy spring as Dundas County Hospice prepare to relocate to its new home in Williamsburg this coming summer.

The Volunteer Appreciation guest speaker was certified relaxation therapist Kim Hutt owner of Souly Reconnected located north of Iroquois.

“It is a pleasure for me to be here, celebrating your community service,” Hutt told the volunteers.

Hutt explained how she turned a hobby, “into a profession, when I began studying relaxation therapies. She shared some exercises and demos on how one can self care and explained the various therapies available including Reiki and Quantum Touch.

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