Madeline Carkner


A resident of the Dundas Manor in Winchester since March of 2006, Madeline Carkner (nee Duvall) passed away peacefully at Winchester District Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, January 14, 2015.  She was 82.

Madeline was born in Williamsburg Township, on December 8, 1932, to her parents Howard and Olive Duvall (nee Harriman). Madeline lived in Morrisburg for most of her life.  She married Kenneth Carkner on September 15, 1973, and Kenneth passed away on January 1, 1986.  

Madeline worked at the old knitting mill in Morrisburg, R.C.A. in Prescott and as a waitress at Lee’s Restaurant and the Hollywood Café in Morrisburg.  

She enjoyed knitting, crocheting and visiting with family and friends.  

Madeline is survived by her sister Audrey McPhee (late Donald) of Winchester, her great-nieces Dulcie McKee (Daniel Blair) of Crysler and Danielle Tyo of Berwick, her great-nephews Dustin McKee (Tats St. Denis) of Cornwall and Joshua McKee of Cornwall and one special great, great-niece Allyson Blair.    

Friends called at the Marsden and McLaughlin Funeral Home, Williamsburg, on Saturday, January 17th from 9:30 a.m. until time of the funeral service at 11 a.m. The service was conducted by Rev. Janet Evans.  Interment followed at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Chesterville.  

Pallbearers were Dulcie McKee, Daniel Blair, Allyson Blair, Lyal Kehoe and David Lapier.  

Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Activity Dept. at Dundas Manor Nursing Home would be appreciated by the family.  Online condolences may be made at 

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