Biggest night ever for Alight at Night

Saturday night, December 13, was the busiest night ever in Alight at Night’s 14 year history.

Susan Le Clair, manager, customer service and corporate communications with the St. Lawrence Parks Commission confirmed that they had just over 4,300 people in attendance for Alight at Night at Upper Canada Village.

“We have been really fortunate with great weather — the blanket of snow is beautiful, makes it that much more magical, and I think many families are enjoying both the new Ferris wheel and the new Santa experience – Saint Nick’s Merry Mansion,” said Le Clair. “The Upper Canada Village seamstresses really did an amazing job on Santa’s Victorian garb and Saint Nick’s Merry Mansion is absolutely beautiful!” Santa will be at Saint Nick’s Merry Mansion (Crysler Hall) from Friday, December 19 through till December 23 from 5pm to 9 p.m.  While Alight at Night is open on the 18th, Santa is otherwise engaged.

So far the weather forecast is good for this week so village officials hope that the good weather continues to allow crowds to continue to enjoy Alight at Night and make it part of their families holiday traditions.

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