Unique ride welcomed to Old Homestead Farm

Joy and Leanne Casselman of Old Homestead Farm welcomed several two-legged and four-legged guests to their farm September 11, when the Giddy-Up for Bonnie fundraising ride passed through South Dundas. The seven people, and eight horses, were riding from Lindsay to St. Andrew’s West, to raise funds for a dear friend battling cancer. The 440 kilometre journey, included most of the group on horseback, with a team hitched to a covered wagon. Joy was thrilled that the group found her farm, where they camped for the night. The organizer of the ride had driven the back-roads route a few weeks before, stopping at various farms suitable to overnight the camping riders’ horses. They were here on day 12 of their 14 day journey. The ride was more challenging than they anticipated. However, making it a little easier were the people they encountered along the way.


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