“Over the years, many, many people in our community have had children who took part in Seaway’s athletic program and benefitted from it,” said Mark Lewis, athletic director at Seaway District High School. “Now we are hoping for golfers to come out and support us so that program can continue.”
The Iroquois-Matilda and the Morrisburg and District Lions Clubs have joined with a volunteer committee, of which Lewis is a member, to set up and host the first ever Seaway Spartans Golf Tournament, scheduled for Saturday, August 16, at the Iroquois Golf Club. This fun-filled tournament is being held to support the Athletic Program at Seaway District High School.
“There are many life lessons which can be learned by being part of a school team, or taking part in any form of athletics,” Lewis said. “It is vital to ensure that a variety of strong sports programs remain available to all the students at the high school.”
“There was a time when there were nearly 600 students at Seaway. Now we have about half that number, and the budgets for sports have declined as a result. Our basketball teams are using uniforms from a decade ago, and we are playing with soccer balls that are more than 14 years old. Our weight room needs serious upgrading as well.”
One of the biggest financial problems for Seaway is the funding required to cover away sports. Because of the fact that Seaway players must travel long distances to take part in meets and tournaments, much of the school’s limited athletic budget goes just to cover those costs. There is often very little money left over.
Yet the school hopes to continue to offer all local students a full, varied and exciting selection of athletic programs throughout their years at Seaway.
To do this, the volunteer committee and the Lions Clubs, felt that a fund raiser, taking place well outside of the regular school year, would ensure that fresh funds find their way to the Spartans in order to support school athletic programs.
The first ever Seaway Spartans Golf Tournament is spear-headed by Iroquois Junior Lions Jessica Hartle and Melissa Stevens and Morrisburg Junior Lions Christyn Veinotte and Victoria Peters. They have had strong on-going support from Lions Tracey Veinotte, Rick Mackenzie, Evonne Delegarde and many others in the local service clubs.
“This event just wouldn’t be happening without the support and expertise of our Lions clubs,” Lewis said. “I was a complete novice at this kind of thing, and their advice has been wonderful. I know that this is one of the most generous communities I have ever experienced, and I know that local businesses and groups are hit up a lot. What we wanted to do was to give people an opportunity to have a day out, really enjoy themselves, and help our sports department at the same time.”
The tournament starts at 11 a.m. on the 16th of August, using a four man scramble format. Sponsorships are already out in the community. Companies, clubs and individuals are invited to choose from six levels of support, although donations of any size will be gratefully received.
Sponsors will all be recognized in the local paper, on the SDHS web page, in social media and will also be prominently displayed at the actual event.
The cost to play is $80 per person, which guarantees 18 holes of great golf, a light lunch and a full roast beef dinner at the end of the day, as well as a donation to the Spartan athletic program.
Contact the Iroquois Golf Club or Morrisburg Home Hardware or the Seaway District High School web page to enter your team or to sponsor the Seaway Spartans Golf Tournament.
“We would especially like to see Seaway alumni, former teachers and administrators and their friends coming out, having a great day and supporting their old high school,” said Mark Lewis.
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