Procedural changes recommended for SDG Counties council

Not only is current deputy warden Eric Duncan the youngest deputy warden in SDG history, he will be the last.

An ad hoc committee of counties council was formed to review and make procedural recommendations. Those were recently reported to counties council.

“Council will eliminate the position of deputy warden,” reported South Dundas deputy mayor and county councillor Jim Locke at the November 19 South Dundas council meeting.

Traditionally, the person selected as deputy warden, moved into the warden’s seat after one year in the role.

Once these changes are ratified by counties council, the warden will be elected at the October meeting and sworn in to the seat at the head of the council table in December.

Duncan will be the last Deputy Warden to automatically move to the warden’s seat. His inauguration as warden is set for December 6.

Once the new rules come into effect, the sitting warden will also be given the opportunity to serve in the role for one year, or to serve, with council’s approval, for two years.

South Dundas mayor, counties councillor, and former SDG warden Steven Byvelds was on the committee that made these recommendations. 

He recognizes that some wardens are eager for the one year term to end, while others would like to have the opportunity to stay on a little longer to further advance their efforts on committees like the Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus.

The deputy mayor often stands in for the warden during ceremonial events. 

In future, this will be handled by an acting warden. Council members will take turns at being acting warden, thus getting more of them involved with community events across SDG. This will be done on a monthly rotation.

Traditionally, though not an official rule, the warden has been rotated between the six municipalities. This change, may or may not impact that traditional rotation. That will be at the discretion of council, as they elect each warden.

The committee has also recommended that counties council adopt the use of a consent agenda. This is the type of agenda already being used here in South Dundas.

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