Williamsburg without a library, for now

As of Monday, July 15, the Williamsburg branch of the SD&G Library is closed.

This closure is in response the municipality’s order to vacate the space in the Williamsburg building by August 1, 2013. 

Williamsburg will be without a library until a new location is agreed to by South Dundas council, who were expected to decide on a new location at the July 16 meeting.

It will either be portables located at J. C. Whitteker Park or 1,000 square feet of renovated space, the more likely choice, at the former Canadian Tire building in Williamsburg. Either way, Williamsburg will have no library for the next couple of months.

The showcase library that the SD&G Library Board had in mind for Morrisburg, won’t be all they had originally envisioned.

“With the consolidation of the two branches into the new Morrisburg branch, the Library had planned to re-allocate resources to longer opening hours, to double-staffing at peak times and/or during the evenings, and to new program and community engagement initiatives at the new branch,” said Erika Heesen, communications librarian for the SD&G Libary. 

The library must find a way to allocate some resources to the re-located Williamsburg branch.

That means that improved service, for now, is not in the cards for the new Morrisburg branch. 

“The library will maintain the same level of service in Morrisburg in the new branch as the current branch,” said Heesen.

Jim Locke, South Dundas deputy mayor and member of the SD&G Library board, says that the board has not yet discussed any potential changes to staffing or programming.

He says that the Morrisburg branch, with its new, renovated location will still be a showcase branch. 

“The furnishings and infrastructure will all be new,” he said. “It will be a showcase branch. By the time the new branch is open we will be in a new budget year,” said Locke. 

“It’s a showcase branch, and we’ll have to run it as one,” he said, adding that staffing will have to be something discussed by the library board at their next meeting in September.

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