Honouring Battle of Hoople’s Creek


 A large crowd and many dignitaries turned out at the site of the Lost Villages Museum on Sunday, June 30, to remember the heroism of the small militia which, 200 years ago, delayed an American invasion of Canada at Hoople’s Creek. While the skirmish may have been lost for the 500 outnumbered Canadians, the actions of the 1st Stormont Militia and the 2nd Glengarry Militia in that fight ensured that those American troops ultimately had to take on the British/Canadian forces at the Battle of Crysler’s Farm.

Carol Goddard, one of the organizers of the day’s events said there “were great crowds and great support for the celebration.” There were many exhibits and a tattoo which featured the SD&G Highlanders Band, the Sea Cadets band, the 1st Grenville Militia and the City of Brockville Pipe Band. Colonel Bill Shearing  addressed the audience telling the story of the battle. Honorary Lt.-Col. of the SD&G Highlanders, Jim Brownell, (7th from the left above) shared the stage with descendants of the Hoople family and Lt.- Colonel Duda (9th from the left), commander of the Glens. South Dundas mayor Steven Byvelds (4th from the left) was also on hand for the celebration. Town crier Lawrence Levere (extreme right) said “our heritage will never be forgotten and our pride will never be diminished,” in describing the battle.

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