District Summer 55 plus games underway

Local 55+ summer games got under way April 10 and continue until June 5. This year’s competitions will be a prelude to the Eastern Ontario 55+ Regional Games to be held in Cornwall and area, August 20.

The summer games kick off was an open doubles euchre competition, April 10 at the Cornwall Legion. On Thursday, April 18, dart players were in action at the Cornwall Legion. 

Coming up bid euchre takes place April 26 at the Nordun Senior Centre in Winchester  and contract bridge rounds out the April competitions, April 30, at McConnell Manor, in Cornwall.

For information on bid euchre on April 26, contact Betty Wheeler, 613-984-1431 and for bridge contract bridge, April 30, Claire Dunn, 613-543-3279.

Competitions in May include: pickleball, May 6/13, Joanne MacLeod, 613-938-2336; bowling, May 7, Monique Dawkes, 613-534-2036; cribbage, May 8, Marlene Neal, 613-936-2026; prediction walk, May 14, Robert Peladeau, 613-931-1641; horseshoes, May 21, Bob Pearson, 613-874-2044; floor shuffleboard, May 23, Helen MacDonald, 613-936-8338; men’s doubles tennis, May 25, George Baker, 613-347-2797; golf, May 27, Ann Cook, 613-448-2032; ladies’ doubles tennis, May 28, Pat Durin, 613-525-1886; bocce, May 29, Stanley Fraser, 613-525-3777; swimming, May 30,  George Baker, 613-347-2797; prediction cycling, May 31, Graham Vickers, 613-525-1943.

Competition concludes in June with: slo-pitch, June 1, Tony Marini, 613-346-5776; lawn bowling, June 4, Terry Triskle, 613-989-3118; mixed doubles tennis, June 5, Stanley Fraser, 613-525-3777.

Participation is open to all 55+ residents of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Prescott-Russell, and Akwesasne. For more information and to register, contact the convener of the event in which you are interested.

Medal winners at the local games will be eligible to take part in the Eastern Regional Games, where matching events are held.

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