South Dundas Chamber of Commerce Annual Trade Show offers experts and more


“This year’s trade show should be a great one,” said Joey van Koppen, chair of the South Dundas Chamber of Commerce Trade Show organizing committee.

The annual event is set to take place April 19 and 20, at the Morrisburg Arena. 

“I’m really hyped about this year’s event. We’ve been using all different kinds of media to get the word out,” said van Koppen, who is expecting a large crowd.

“We are in a sold out position, as far as vendors go,” said Geraldine Fitzsimmons, office manager with the South Dundas Chamber of Commerce. “We will have well over 70 vendors on site.”

“We have a great line up of events too,” said van Koppen. “I just wish we had more room.”

This year is about the third consecutive year that the trade show has sold out its vendor booths, filling the Morrisburg arena venue.

“We’ve been working really hard to keep our successes rolling,” said van Koppen, of the organizing committee.

“Not only do we have something for everyone, but this year we are introducing one of our most exciting events ever – Ask the Experts,” said van Koppen.

A line up of experts will be available at the trade show to spend time answering questions from anyone. 

“Whether you are interested in natural medicinal remedies, renovating your home or organizing your garden, all you have to do is drop by and ‘ask the experts,’” said van Koppen.

Exhibitors are ready to promote their products, and many will be selling goods on site.

“A lot of the vendors from last year’s show told us they got  a lot of good leads and business from the trade show last year, so they are really excited to be back this year,” said Fitzsimmons.

“We are also excited to be welcoming some new vendors this year too,” she added.

The Morrisburg and District Lions Club will be selling food at the trade show. They plan to offer a chicken barbecue and a pancake breakfast, which is new this year.

South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services will do an extrication demonstration on site, Saturday, at 10:30 a.m. A Sears fashion show will be presented by the Iroquois Sears store, Friday at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday at 11 a.m.

The lineup of experts will be posted at the trade show.

Throughout the weekend event, the Iroquois-Cardinal Masons will set up a Masonichip, child identification clinic, to gather vital information for parents should it be needed in case of emergency. (See related story; page 2)

The trade show kicks off the evening of April 19. 

Opening ceremonies will take place at 6 p.m. Two grade 7/8 students from Timothy Christian School in Williamsburg will be singing O Canada.

Adults who attend the South Dundas Chamber of Commerce Home and Trade Show are welcome to enter a free draw at a chance to win one of the ten, $100 prizes. “This is a great draw,” said Fitzsimmons, “Not only does someone get the joy of winning the prize, the prize is $100 to spend at the business of one of our trade show vendors, so the vendors win too.”

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