As March break comes and goes I’m sure you’ve been dreaming of swimsuits and tropical beaches and really, they’re not so far in the future. The days may be getting longer and the temperature may be skyrocketing but in the rink winter isn’t over yet.
With our annual year-end carnival just around the corner MDSC skaters are working as hard as ever to bring you a show you’ll never forget. With performances from everyone from our little future Olympians to our dedicated star-skaters it’s sure to be a night of enjoyment.
If interested you can find tickets at the door, Friday March 29, or you can purchase them ahead through any of our skating club members. The canteen will be open and seating is available in both the heated lobby and stands.
Just because the year is coming to a close doesn’t mean the competitive season is finished. Competitions include the much anticipated all Ontario championships, which Ali Vanhoof competed in this past weekend of March 24th in Fort Erie. We all had our fingers crossed for great results from Ali. And we’re not finished yet, Morrisburg is proud to say we have many Starskaters travelling to Ottawa for the annual Gloucester Spring Fest. We wish everybody luck in their events and hope they can end their season with a bang!
Just as the carnival is a MDSC ritual our annual banquet is a yearly tradition that we aren’t planning to break. This year the awards ceremony will take place the evening of April 7th at the Morrisburg Legion. Tickets can be purchased at the skating office and will include a dinner with dessert and an evening of awards and memories.
A new tradition for our club began last year with the Ice Cream party for our Canskaters. It continued this year at the MacIntosh Inn and was a large success. Each of our skaters was treated to a homemade sundae and a medal of accomplishment. Way to go Canskaters! In addition, we would like to remind all of our Canskate parents and skaters that they to can attend the banquet.
Speaking of new traditions, many may remember the Fun Fair from last year. Families could come and enjoy a day of games, bouncy castles and petting zoos all while supporting our club. It was such a success we are hosting another one this year. Watch for further details this spring.
As you can see, the skating season may be winding down but this last month will be the busiest of all! So, remember, skate great, and have fun!
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